Episode title: The Anatomy of a Guardianship
Featured Speakers:

Naomi Karp, JD
Naomi Karp is a consultant, a lawyer and policy expert who has worked on aging issues for over 35 years. Her areas of focus include elder financial exploitation, guardianship, health and financial decision-making, the impact of cognitive changes, and family caregiving. She is the co-author of the Thinking Ahead Roadmap, a guide to help people keep their money safe as they age, and was the team lead on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Managing Someone Else’s Money guide for financial caregivers.

Erica F. Wood, JD
Erica F. Wood served as Assistant Director of the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, and was associated with the Commission from 1980 to 2020, where she worked primarily on issues concerning adult guardianship, health and financial decision-making, legal services delivery, dispute resolution, health and long-term care, and access to court. She has participated in national studies on public guardianship and guardianship monitoring; and played a role in convening national consensus conferences on guardianship. Erica Wood currently serves as a member of the Virginia Commonwealth Council on Aging and the Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Advisory Board.
Erica Wood currently serves as a member of the Virginia Commonwealth Council on Aging and the Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Advisory Board. She has been a member of the Arlington Commission on Aging; and is active in the Northern Virginia Aging Network and the Virginia Supreme Court’s Working Interdisciplinary Network of Guardianship Stakeholders.
About the Podcast:
Although guardianship laws, terminology, practices, and procedures vary by state. there are some common elements. In this podcast and companion document (pdf), Erica Wood and Naomi Karp discuss these common elements and call attention to risks and red flags for abuse related to each. This is the second of two NCEA guardianship podcasts.

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Resource List:
Podcast: Person-Centered Decision-Making: Options Less Restrictive Than Guardianship
Issue Brief: Decision-Making Options That Are Less Restrictive Than Guardianship (pdf)
Related Materials from National Center on Elder Abuse website
American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging
Department of Justice, Elder Justice Initiative on Guardianship: Key Concepts and Resources
National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making
National Guardianship Association