
Kate Wilber’s, PhD research team focuses on improving health outcomes and quality of life for vulnerable elders, including those with chronic illness, disability, cognitive impairment, and/or economic insecurity. Her group’s current projects seek to improve the design and delivery of services and include: 1) evaluating the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the Elder Abuse Forensic Center model, a multidisciplinary team that links health and social services with the justice system; 2) examining economic security indicators among diverse groups of older adults; 3) developing a universal assessment for the State of California’s home and community-based programs, and 4) developing a better understanding of the challenges family caregivers face and the available evidence-based programs and service models that effectively enhance support and improve outcomes. Dr. Wilber is Co-Direct and Faculty Liaison for the Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center and Co-Direct of the National Center on Elder Abuse.