Automating Client Referrals to a Multidisciplinary Team (aka MDT-ID: The MDT Case Identification Project)
Adult maltreatment multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) review some of the most complex cases of elder abuse and abuse of dependent adults that are investigated by adult protective services (APS). They draw expert guidance and assistance from disciplines and agencies such as law enforcement, medicine, prosecution, social services, mental health, and civil law. A challenge for MDTs is that there are no standardized criteria for case selection, so cases that could be helped by MDTs may not be presented.
This research is aimed at refining and systematizing the case selection process. We will identify characteristics of APS cases that are appropriate for MDT review through analysis of APS and MDT data as well as interviews with stakeholders. The objective is to create and test a case-finding algorithm that will flag APS cases that may be appropriate for case review.
This project is a partnership with San Francisco APS and their MDTs, the Forensic Center and the High-Risk Self Neglect team. It is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), under award number 90EJIG0040.
Zach Gassoumis (